Monday, April 21, 2008

Hello to our travelling couple!

How's it going OS? I hope you are having fun- I haven't been able to read your blog without an invitation neither can Dad now because he doesn't have a Google account so I thought I'd start a blog that we all can contribute to. I have to get Dad set up on a Google account so he can be an author too.


Mark and Marie said...

Hi Sallyblogger .We are in Vegas - been out to the Grand Canyon-awesome. Las Vegas is mind boggling,amazing buildings,strange place. We'll blog abit tomorrow.
I sent another invite to dad already. Mark and Marie

Mark and Marie said...

Hi Sally

Come on where are the new pics and the story line.
Dad reminded me of your blog when he rang today so I thought I'd catch up. Whats happening in Sally world?
We had a blast in the US and Canada and NZ came home really tired but really refreshed.
We are in pack up mode now and have only 3weeks till we leave to the warmer northern vista.

Talk again sooon. We are going to add to our blog again as we move. Do I need to re invite you to our blog.
